
Friday, May 21, 2021

A collective word

Hello everyone! Today I made this because we had to do collective words and I chose this one because why not. Anyway what other collective words do you guys know or what's your favourite animal?
And sorry if its to short

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Angle bot!

Hello everyone! Today for maths we had to create a robot on google drawings and share it with our teacher so they can print it, so we can do angles on the drawing. It was fun to make the robot and to do angles on it also the angles that I did on there was reflex, acute and obtuse, anyway, have you guys done something like this, or are you a fan of robots?

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Our cool steam project!


Kia ora Koutou Bloggers! It's Mikayla and I'm back with an awesome STEAM task to do.
S - Science
T - Technology
E - Engineering
A - Arts
M - Maths
Our Teachers set us a task to get into a group of 5 and get the necessary items needed to make our product.
The task was to make a product to protect our egg when we would drop it from the top of the stairs in the Makerspace. My team had minutes to plan and design and 25 minutes to create. Have you guys done something like this before or do you guys know or like the games

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Save the Chimpanzees!

Hello everyone! 

In Literacy, we have been researching about chimpanzees and what humans have done to them and we have researched what would be good living conditions. Our task this and last week was to create our own Cimpanzees sanctuary on Minecraft education and what I have included in my sanctuary are eggs, birds, berries, water, and lots of trees.


I have found this week really cool, it amazes me how smart chimpanzees actually are and how much they can learn but it does, however, make me sad these animals are really endangered

The reading we did that helped us with our research was from, we read two books chimpanzee an endangered chimpanzee we also watched some snippets from a documentary called "baby chimp rescue" on TVNZ on demand

Anyway, have you guys ever thought about how endangered these animals were really or how much you guys like or love them?

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Name angle!


                                         Hello everyone! Today I made this and I hope you guys like it.

 Today at maths we are learning about angles and we today did our names and we had to write angles in them as you can see I think, and it was cool to do and interesting to learn and it was a fun way to do it, but anyway, have you guys done something like this before or what you guys know about angles?

Thursday, May 6, 2021


Hello everyone! Today we had to make an infographic canva about orangutans in literacy and I hope you guys enjoy reading it, anyway I love orangutans they are amazing and adorable creatures and I hope they survive anyways do you guys orangutans or have you guys met an orangutan?

Colourful Angles

Kia ora bloggers,

For numeracy today, we have started to learn about angles.  

We learnt about 3 different angles today - acute (less than 90°), right angle (90°), and obtuse (larger than 90° but smaller than 180°).  We also learnt how to use a protractor to measure angles.  We know that we need to measure an angle from a vertice (a corner where two straight lines meet).

For our create task, we had to measure three different angles on the first letter of our name - can you figure out if they are acute, right angle, or obtuse?